
Application for new or renewal of ANOS Inc. membership including annual subscription to The Orchadian:

Purchase conditions: GST is not payable on subscriptions. Subscription refunds are not available once the first applicable Orchadian issue has been despatched.
Privacy policy: Credit card particulars are not kept by ANOS. Personal details are not made available to third parties other than postal info. for mailing purposes.

ANOS annual membership & Orchadian subscription (4 issues per year)

NOTE: Multi-year memberships are no longer offered

Electronic membership – Cost $50.00 AUD   select: new subscription   renewal
Please set Quantity to 1 for one year of membership 
Australian Printed membership – Cost $75.00 AUD   select: new subscription   renewal
Please set Quantity to 1 for one year of membership 
Rest of World Printed membership – Cost $100.00 AUD  select: new subscription   renewal
Please set Quantity to 1 for one year of membership 
Additional family memberships – Cost $4.00 AUD each per year
applies only to any immediate family at same address who engage in activities requiring full ANOS Membership. Please set Quantity to 1 one additional family membership for one year, 2 for two additional family memberships for one year etc 
Donation to the Conservation Fund please enter your $ amount donation $

if you intend paying by bank funds transfer: ANOS Inc. bank account is:
BSB 633-000 Account 162 988 612

ANOS Inc. Membership Application Form for new memberships or renewals if paying by cheque, money order or otherwise preferring to manually pay by post. DOWNLOAD payment form This manual form may be scanned and submitted via email to the Membership Officer . If you are experiencing any difficulties we encourage you to contact us for support (available here) and we will ensure that your Membership is received.
