
ANOS Group Websites

ANOS Victorian Group Inc.

ANOS Geelong Group Inc.

ANOS (Qld) – Kabi Group Inc.    (Meets in Brisbane Area)


Ira Butler Website


Native Orchid Society of South Australia Inc

Western Australian Native Orchid Study and Conservation Group Incorporated.

NZ Native Orchid Group


General Orchid Societies

Australian Orchid Council Inc. (AOC)

Orchid Societies Council of Victoria Inc. (OSCOV)


Garden Clubs of Australia Inc. is a non-profit organisation that provides a range of services to our Affiliated Members with a membership in excess of 710 affiliated clubs representing more than 45,000 individuals.

Useful Links

Key to the Native Orchids of Western Australia  is an interactive key to identify the orchid species growing in Western Australia.

World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP)    WCSP is an international collaborative programme  that provides the latest peer reviewed and published opinions on the accepted scientific names and synonyms of selected plant families. It allows you to search for all the scientific names of a particular plant, or the areas of the world in which it grows (distribution).

Biodiversity Heritage Library – The Orchadian back issues 1963 – 2015  BHL is a worldwide consortium of natural history, botanical, research, and national libraries working together to digitize the natural history literature held in their collections and make it freely available for open access as part of a global “biodiversity community.”  *NEW*
Australian Orchid Foundation Established in 1976, The Australian Orchid Foundation is a voluntary organisation whose members are dedicated to promote orchids, or are persons who are deeply interested in these plants, either in a cultural or scientific sense.

Orchidaceous Supplies the Australian importer of Kiwi Orchid Bark, distributors for RCRA Orchid Char™ and importers of various orchid growing accessories from around the world.

Links to Downloads

Dendrobium speciosum cultivars V6 – The list has been revised as at March 2024. List and comments compiled and edited by Roslyn Capell.

ANOS Inc. By-Laws – with 3 June 2014 amendments

ANOS Inc. Constitution incorporating the amendments made at the special general meeting on 29 March 2022.

Sarco Checklist – Compiled by Darryl Corbett   as at 03/08/2023
